Wednesday 22 July 2020

PISA,C.C.T. Questions On Plastic and Plastic Pollution

Plastic is a boon as well as a curse. It all depends how and for what purpose the plastic materials are used. Plastic is non-reactive to chemicals like acid, base and salts. Plastic is lightweight and cost-effective. It is very strong and insulator of heat and current. The raw material for preparing plastic is petrochemicals. The fossil fuels are used for manufacturing plastic products. Plastics are of basically two types- A. Thermoplastics- Which can be moulded again by heating. E.g.- P.V.C. , Nylon, Polythene etc. B. Thermosetting plastics –Which cannot be remoulded by heating. E.g.- Bakelite and Melamine Plastics. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and take several years to degenerate in nature. The thickness of plastic bags decides its natural degeneration time. Single use plastic (S.U.P.) account about 40 % of all the plastic products. All over the world more than 450 million tons of plastic products are manufactured every year. In the last 15-20 years more than 50 % of all the plastic products are manufactured.  According to a research study about 8 million ton plastic is discharged in the ocean from coastal countries every year. (Source: National Geographic, ‘The World’s Plastic Pollution Crisis Explained’ by Laura Parker). Plastic wastes can be found everywhere from  mountains to oceans and inhabited to uninhabited areas. Burning of plastic wastes cause air pollution and health hazards. Plastic wastes are harming the humans and wildlife as well as their habitats. One alternative that is used for changing plastic wastes into useful thing is making the plastic roads. It will long lasting and used for recycling the plastic. The plastic wastes can be converted to petrochemicals by specific processes. Therefore, the reduced use, recycle, reuse and recover (4R) are the best methods to sort out the ever increasing environmental issue of plastic pollution.

 Answer the following questions based on your understanding.      Total Marks = 20

M.C.Qs.  1 x 2 =2

Q.1 Which of the following is not a characteristics of plastics?

(a) Reactive                                                

(b) Non-biodegradable

(c) Lightweight                                            

(d) Poor conductor of heat

Q.2 Which among these is a thermosetting plastic?

(a) Nylon                                               

(b) Polythene

(c) Melamine

(d) P.V.C. (Polyvinyl chloride)

Fill in the Blanks by selecting the best given option. 1 x 2 = 2

Q.3 ……………….get deformed on heating.     

 {Thermoplastics/ Thermosetting plastics}

Q.4  Single use plastics account about ……… % of all the plastic products.

{ 40, 30, 20, 50)

Short Answer Type Question 3 x 2 =6

Q.5 Why plastic containers are favoured for storing foods?

Q.6 Why Nylon rope is preferred for mountaineering and making parachutes?

Long Answer Type Question 5 x 2 =10

Q.7 Describe an activity to show that plastic is an insulator of current.

Q.8 What will you can do if you see lots of plastic garbage is thrown out side your house?


  1. Q.1 (A) Reactive
    Q.4 50%
    Q.5 Plastic containers are cheap and easily available. And these are durable ,available in various colors
    Q.6 NYLON is preferred for climbing mountains.usually it is stronger than steel wire
    Q.7 IF the connection of current goes on any mistakes than we usually calls an electriation to set right while he works with his instruments which are covered by plastics. Hence plastics are the good insulators
    Q.8 being a responsible citizen of the nation and A responsible family member and I cleans all garbage by picking. For away from the city I will dig the land and dumps the picked plastics and and I will give suggestions to my family members and neighbors and all citizens to be aware of plastics and prevent the use of plastics

  2. Q.1 (A) Reactive
    Q.4 50%
    Q.5 Plastic containers are cheap and easily available. And these are durable ,available in various colors
    Q.6 NYLON is preferred for climbing mountains.usually it is stronger than steel wire
    Q.7 IF the connection of current goes on any mistakes than we usually calls an electriation to set right while he works with his instruments which are covered by plastics. Hence plastics are the good insulators
    Q.8 being a responsible citizen of the nation and A responsible family member and I cleans all garbage by picking. For away from the city I will dig the land and dumps the picked plastics and and I will give suggestions to my family members and neighbors and all citizens to be aware of plastics and prevent the use of plastics
