Friday 10 July 2020


Prepared by -Vinod Kumar T.G.T. Science, J.N.V. Dibrugarh, Assam 
1. PISA (C.C.T.) QUESTIONS- Time = 20 minutes Total marks=6 
                 Fig.1                                                      Fig.2

Look at the two above figures. They are reflections from the reflective surfaces. Black coloured rays show the incident rays while the blue coloured rays show the reflected rays. The reflection of light can be regular and irregular or diffused. The regular reflection of light on the plane (or smooth or regular or even) reflective surface follows the laws of reflection of light. But these laws fail on the diffused (or irregular surface or rough or uneven) surface. 
Based on this, answer the following questions- 
1.1 Which type of reflection of light is seen in Fig.1? -1
Options- (a) Regular reflection (b) Irregular reflection (c) Either regular or irregular reflection (d) Both regular and irregular reflections 
Scoring Key Full credit- option a) No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Level-Low Question Format-Simple MCQ 
1.2 Which type of reflection of light is seen in Figure 2? -1 
Options- (a) Regular reflection (b) Irregular reflection (c) Either regular or irregular reflection (d) Both regular and irregular reflections 
Scoring Key Full credit- option b) No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding  
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System)
Question Format-Simple MCQ 
1.3 In which figure the laws of reflection of light fail? -1 
Scoring Key Full credit- Figure 2 No credit- Any other response
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Question Format-Very short answer 
1.4 In which figure the laws of reflection of light are followed? Why? -1
Scoring Key Full credit- Figure 1 and pertaining reason No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Question Format-Very Short answer type 
1.5 Which figure co-relates the common reflection of light from objects in nature? Why? -2 
Scoring Key Full credit- Figure 2, because the light reflects in different directions. Irregular reflection is commonly seen in daily life in nature. No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Level-Medium Question 
Format-Short Answer

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