Tuesday 7 July 2020


71 % of 

71 % of the Earth is covered with water. This water is present in oceans, rivers, lakes, ice caps, glaciers, ground water and in the atmosphere. The water on the earth can be categorized into-Fresh water (2.5%) and saline or salty water (97.5%). The saline water is found in the oceans, sea, underground saline water (0.93%) and as saline water in the lakes (0.0062%).

The fresh water is found in polar ice caps as condensed ice (68.6%), ground water (30%) and the rest 1.4 % is found in form of ice, snow, soil moisture, in lakes, rivers, biological water of plants, animals, atmospheric water and water of marshy areas. Therefore, only 0.006 % of total water is available for human use. About 67 % of fresh water is used for agriculture, household use consumes about 9 % , water supply consumes about 8 % , electricity and gas generation consumes about 7 % water , manufacturing consumes about 4 % , mining consumes about 2 % and rest 3 % is used in other activities. As per United Nations (U.N.) guidelines the amount of water a person should use for drinking, washing, bathing and washing is 50 liters per day. But it is hardly available to most of the people of the world. Looking upon the importance of fresh water year 2003 was declared as International year of fresh water by United Nations General assembly in resolution 55/196.



Answer the following questions on the basis of this passage-


Q.1.1 Which kind of activities are together causing more than 70 % depletion of fresh water?

                      A. Household consumption                                       B. Agriculture and Industries

                      C. Electricity and Mining                                          D. Water supply and Gas Generation

                     Options-    (a) Both A and C                                     (b) Both A and B

                                       (c) Both C and D                                     (d) Both A and D

Scoring Key

   Full credit- Full Credit b) Agriculture and Industries

No credit- Any other  or missing response

Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format-Complex M.C.Q.


Q.1.2 What is the amount of water a person should use per day as per U.N. guidelines?

                       (a) 40 Liters                                                                                          (b) 60 Liters

                       (c) 50 Liters                                                                                          (d) 30 Liters

 Scoring Key

                     Full credit- c) 50 Liters                                                                                         

                     No credit- Any other response or missing response

   Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format-Simple M.C.Q.


Q.1.3 What is the percentage of underground saline water?

                        (a) Less than 1 percentage                                               (b) Less than 2 percentage

                        (c) More than 2 percentage                                              (d) More than 1 percentage

 Scoring Key

Full credit- a) Less than 1 percentage                                                             

No credit- Any other or missing response

 Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format- Simple M.C.Q.



Q.1.4 The percentage of fresh water available for human consumption is equal to what?

(a) Underground saline water                                  (b) Saline water in lakes

(c) The whole fresh water on the Earth                   (d) 1.4 % present in ice caps, lakes, plants etc.

Scoring Key

Full credit- b) Saline water in lakes

No credit- Any other response or missing response

 Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


    Question Format-Simple M.C.Q.


Q.1.5 which year was observed by U.N. as International Year of Fresh water?


                        (a) 2001                                                                                              (b) 2002

                        (c) 2003                                                                                              (d) 2004

Scoring Key

                       Full credit- c) 2003

                       No credit- Any other response or missing response

Analysis of Question

                       Context- Frontiers of science and technology


                       Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

                       Theme- Physical System


                       Question Format-Simple M.C.Q.


                       Q.1.6 What are the methods by which we can conserve water?




Scoring Key

Full credit- on any two methods or idea of water conservation,Drip Irrigation , Sprinklers etc.  

Partial Credit- Either Drip or Sprinkler or similar response                                                               

No credit- Any other or missing response

 Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format-Open constructive type





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