Wednesday 8 July 2020

M.C.Qs Microorganisms: Friends or Foe? Class VIII Chapter 2

Q.1 What is/are true about micro-organisms?

(a) They may survive in extreme conditions like +78 degree centigrade to -90 degree centigrade.     (b) They may be round, cylindrical, oval, rectangular or variable in shape.

(c)  They are found in all the places of biosphere.     

(d) All of the above are true.

Q.2 Which of the following type of bacteria has spherical shape?

(a) Coccus bacteria

(b) Bacillus bacteria

(c) Spirillum bacteria

(d) Vibrio bacteria.


Fig. Bacteria

Q.3 Escherichia coli (E.Coli), a mostly harmless and useful bacteria is found in which part of alimentary canal?

(a) Stomach

(b) Pancreas

(c) Small intestine

(d) Large intestine

Q.4 What is false about fungi?

(a) They have unicellular as well as multicellular bodies.

(b) They grow on organic matters.

(c) They are green and contain chlorophylls.

(d) Yeast is unicellular and bread mould (Rhizopus) is multicellular.

Q.5 Which among these is not an organ for locomotion in microorganisms?

(a) Cilia

(b) Flagella

(c) Pseudopodia

(d)Cell membrane

Q.6 Which among these is not a group of algae?

(a)Red algae

(b) Blue algae

(c) Green Algae

(d) Brown algae

Q.7 Which among the following microbes are the connecting link between living and non-living microbes?

(a) Algae

(b) Fungi


(d) Viruses

Q.8 The viruses were discovered by a Russian scientist. What was his name?

(a) Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

(b) Louis Pasture

(c) Alexander Fleming

(d)Dmitri  I.  Ivanovsky

Q.9 Bread is prepared by using which fungus?

(a) Bread mould


(c) Penicillium


Q.10 Alcohol is prepared by using yeasts. Which process is involved in it?

(a) Oxidation

(b) Fermentation

(c) Reduction

(d) Respiration

Q.11 The nitrogen fixation is done by symbiotic bacteria in the root nodules of leguminous plants. This bacteria is-

(a) Penicillium

(b) Chlamydomonas

(c) Plasmodium

(d) Rhizobium

Q.12 In Jams and Jellies chemical preservatives are added to preserve them.  Which among these is/are examples of chemical preservatives?

(a) Sodium Chloride

(b) Sodium benzoate

(c) Sodium matabisulphite

(d) All of these

Q.13 Which is the method of preservation of milk?

(a) Fermentation

(b) Use of Vinegar

(c) Pasteurisation

(d) Use of preservatives

Q.14 Which is a chemical method of nitrogen fixation?

(a) Nitrogen fixation by Lightning

(b) Nitrogen fixation by Urea preparation

(c) Nitrogen fixation by blue green algae

(d) Nitrogen fixation by bacteria

Q.15 Which microorganism causes ‘rust of wheat’ disease?

(a) Protozoa


(c) Bacteria


Q.16 Anthrax is a dangerous disease in humans and cattle. Anthrax is caused by which bacteria?

(a) Rhizobium

(b) Salmonella

(c) Lactobacillus

(d) Bacillus anthracis

Q.17 Which among these is a bacterial disease?

(a) Malaria

(b) Typhoid

(c) Jaundice (Hepatitis)


Q.18 Who discovered vaccine for small pox?

(a) Louis Pasteur

(b) Alexander Fleming

(c) Edward Jenner

(d) Robert Koch

Q.19 The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is known as-

(a) Immunization

(b) Vaccination

(c) Pasteurisation

(d) Fermentation

Q.20 Antibiotics are medicines that are used against-

(a) Viral diseases

(b) Bacterial diseases

(c) Fungal Diseases

(d) Protozoal Diseases

Q.21 Which among these is a protozoan?

(a) Paramecium

(b) Spirogyra

(c) Penicillium

(d) Aspergillus






1. (d) All of the above are true.

2. (a) Coccus bacteria

3. (d) Large intestine

4. (c) They are green and contain chlorophylls.

5. (d)Cell membrane

6. (b) Blue algae

7. (d) Viruses

8. (d)Dmitri I.  Ivanovsky

9. (b)Yeasts

10. (b) Fermentation

11. (d) Rhizobium

12. (d) All of these

13. (c) Pasteurisation

14. (b) Nitrogen fixation by Urea Preparation

15. (b)Fungi

16. (d) Bacillus anthracis

17. (b) Typhoid

18. (c) Edward Jenner

19. (d) Fermentation

20. (b) Bacterial diseases

21. (a) Paramecium




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