Sunday 5 July 2020

M.C.Qs Nutrition In Plants Chapter 1 Class VII , C.B.S.E.

Q.1 What the organisms which prepare food by their own are called as?

(a)  Autotrophs            

(b) Heterotrophs

(c) Saprotrophs           

(d) Insectivores

Q.2 “Chlorophylls’ are the green pigments found in leaves. What is the function of chlorophylls?

(a) Absorption of carbon dioxide gas  

(b) Releasing of oxygen

(c) Formation of carbohydrate 

  (d) Absorption of sunlight

Q.3 What is the term used for the tiny pores in the leaves surrounded by guard cells?

(a) pores                      

  (b) stomata

(c) chloroplast      

(d) plastids

Q.4 Which among the following is/are required by the plants for photosynthesis?

(a) carbon dioxide gas

(b) sunlight

 (c) chlorophylls

 (d) water

 (e) all of the above

Q.5 The cell is basic unit of life. The plant and animal cells comprises-

(a) nucleus

(b) cell membrane

(c) cytoplasm

(d) All of these

Q.6 The proteins contain which essential element in them?

(a) hydrogen

  (b) Carbon

(c)  sulpher

(d) nitrogen

Q.7 What is not true about algae?

(a)  They are found in water or near water bodies generally

(b) They are green, brown and red in colour.

(c)  Photosynthesis does not occurs in algae.

  (d) They are slimy and laminaria alga is used to get iodine.

Q.8 Which kind of plant is Cuscuta/Amarbel/Dodder?

(a) Saprotroph

(b) Parasite

(c) Insectivore    


Q.9 Pitcher plant is a-

(a) Insectivore

(b) partial parasite

(c) both insectivore as well as partial parasite

  (d)  pitcher plant is ubiquitous.

Q.10 In Fungi which mode of nutrition is found?

(a) autotrophic

  (b) heterotrophic

(c) symbiosis     

(d) saprotrophic and absorptive

Q.11 The mushroom, Rhizopus, Mucor, Penicillium etc are examples of-

(a) Fungi    

(b) Algae

(c) Lichens    


Q.12 Which mode of nutrition is found in fungi?

(a) Saprotrophic

  (b) Photosynthetic

(c)  Parasitic 

(d) Symbiotic

Q.13 The mutual beneficial relationship between two organisms is called as-

(a) Symbiosis   

(b) Host-parasite

(c) Saprotrophic

(d) None of the above

Q.14 What are decomposers?

(a) Algae   

(b) Bacteria

(c) Fungi 

(d) Both bacteria and fungi

Q.15 Fungi spread and germinate by-     


(b) Mycelium

(c) Spores   

(d) Sporangiophore

Q.16 Symbiotic relation is found in which of the following organism?

(a) Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes khasiana)  

(b) Lichens

(c) Rhizobium bacteria in root nodules of leguminous plants   

(d) Both options b and c

Q.17 Naturally, the replenishment of nutrients in the soil is done by-

(a) Rhizobium bacteria   

(b) Crop rotation

(c) Blue green algae   

(d) All of these

Q.18 Rhizobium bacteria is found in root nodules of leguminous plants as a symbiotic relationship. Which among the following is not a leguminous plant?

(a) Pea    

(b) Gram

(c) Tomato    

(d) Beans


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 Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes khasiana) 
Answers- 1. 
(a)  Autotrophs       2.(d) Absorption of sunlight       3.(b) stomata   4. (e) all of the above                  5.(d) All of these          6.(d) nitrogen                 7.(c)  Photosynthesis does not occurs in algae.
                                                     8.(b) Parasite             9. (c) both insectivore as well as partial parasite   
          10. (d) saprotrophic and absorptive        11. (a) Fungi                             12.(a) Saprotrophic           13. (a) Symbiosis             14. (d) Both bacteria and fungi                  15. (c) Spores             
16. (d) Both options b and c                        17. (d) All of these               18.(c) Tomato       


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