Wednesday 22 July 2020

PISA,C.C.T. Questions On Plastic and Plastic Pollution

Plastic is a boon as well as a curse. It all depends how and for what purpose the plastic materials are used. Plastic is non-reactive to chemicals like acid, base and salts. Plastic is lightweight and cost-effective. It is very strong and insulator of heat and current. The raw material for preparing plastic is petrochemicals. The fossil fuels are used for manufacturing plastic products. Plastics are of basically two types- A. Thermoplastics- Which can be moulded again by heating. E.g.- P.V.C. , Nylon, Polythene etc. B. Thermosetting plastics –Which cannot be remoulded by heating. E.g.- Bakelite and Melamine Plastics. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and take several years to degenerate in nature. The thickness of plastic bags decides its natural degeneration time. Single use plastic (S.U.P.) account about 40 % of all the plastic products. All over the world more than 450 million tons of plastic products are manufactured every year. In the last 15-20 years more than 50 % of all the plastic products are manufactured.  According to a research study about 8 million ton plastic is discharged in the ocean from coastal countries every year. (Source: National Geographic, ‘The World’s Plastic Pollution Crisis Explained’ by Laura Parker). Plastic wastes can be found everywhere from  mountains to oceans and inhabited to uninhabited areas. Burning of plastic wastes cause air pollution and health hazards. Plastic wastes are harming the humans and wildlife as well as their habitats. One alternative that is used for changing plastic wastes into useful thing is making the plastic roads. It will long lasting and used for recycling the plastic. The plastic wastes can be converted to petrochemicals by specific processes. Therefore, the reduced use, recycle, reuse and recover (4R) are the best methods to sort out the ever increasing environmental issue of plastic pollution.

 Answer the following questions based on your understanding.      Total Marks = 20

M.C.Qs.  1 x 2 =2

Q.1 Which of the following is not a characteristics of plastics?

(a) Reactive                                                

(b) Non-biodegradable

(c) Lightweight                                            

(d) Poor conductor of heat

Q.2 Which among these is a thermosetting plastic?

(a) Nylon                                               

(b) Polythene

(c) Melamine

(d) P.V.C. (Polyvinyl chloride)

Fill in the Blanks by selecting the best given option. 1 x 2 = 2

Q.3 ……………….get deformed on heating.     

 {Thermoplastics/ Thermosetting plastics}

Q.4  Single use plastics account about ……… % of all the plastic products.

{ 40, 30, 20, 50)

Short Answer Type Question 3 x 2 =6

Q.5 Why plastic containers are favoured for storing foods?

Q.6 Why Nylon rope is preferred for mountaineering and making parachutes?

Long Answer Type Question 5 x 2 =10

Q.7 Describe an activity to show that plastic is an insulator of current.

Q.8 What will you can do if you see lots of plastic garbage is thrown out side your house?

Friday 17 July 2020

PISA (C.C.T.) Type Questions Topic-Shadow Class VI Total Marks=8

The dark coloured patch formed on the screen opposite to the light by an opaque object is called shadow. For the formation of a shadow, a source of light, an opaque object and a screen are required. Shadow is formed by an opaque object when light falls on it. Its size and shape change according to direction of light or orientation of object. It can be large or small than the object. During morning and evening shadow is larger. It is smaller during noon. The colour of shadow is dark irrespective of the colour of object. Shadows are not formed in dark i.e. in absence of light. The shadows are not uniformly dark. Central inner part is darker than outer surrounding part. The darker part of shadow is called umbra and less dark part is called penumbra. There is no change of left part of object to right part of image and right part of object to left part of image.


In nature, lunar eclipse and solar eclipses are examples of shadow formation.

  Lunar Eclipse


Solar Eclipse

 Q.1 Among the followings options which is not always necessary for shadow formation?1

   (a) The sun                           

   (b) A screen

   (c) An Opaque object           

   (d) A source of light

Q.2 Harshit observed his shadow at 9:00 A.M., 12:00 Noon and 3:00 P.M. Which among the following statements is correct about his observation of shadow? 1

(a) His shape changes but size remains same.

(b) His size changes but shape remains same.

(c) Both shape and size of his shadow change.

(d) Neither shape nor size of his shadow change.

Q.3 Four shirts of red, blue, green and yellow colour are hanging on a clothes line in the sun. What will be the colour of their shadows? 1

(a) Their shadows will be red, blue, green and yellow.

(b) Their shadows will be light dark in colour.

(c) Their shadows will be light red in the sunlight.

(d) Their shadows will be purple in colour.

Q.4 Which of the following statements is true about umbra and penumbra of a shadow?         1

(a) Umbra is comparatively darker than penumbra

(b) Penumbra is comparatively darker than umbra

(c) Umbra is same as penumbra in darkness.

(d) Umbra is comparatively lighter than penumbra.

Q.5 In an activity four torches A, B, C and D were switched on an apple. Looking their position which position, which torch or torches will not form their shadow on the screen? 1


  (a) Torch A                                           

  (b) Torch C        

(c) Torch D                                          

(d) Both Torch C and D

Q.6 Which among the following objects will never form a circular shadow? 1

(a) A football                                                

(b) A flat circular disc

(c) A cylindrical metal rod                            

(d) A rectangular box

Q.7 What will be the conditions of formation of Solar eclipse?  2              



Ans.-1 (a) The sun

Ans.-2 (c) Both shape and size of his shadow change.

Ans.-3 (b) Their shadows will be light dark in colour.

Ans.-4 (a) Umbra is comparatively darker than penumbra

Ans.-5 (d) Both Torch C and D

Ans.-6 When the Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth in a straight pathway, solar eclipse is formed.


Friday 10 July 2020


Prepared by -Vinod Kumar T.G.T. Science, J.N.V. Dibrugarh, Assam 
1. PISA (C.C.T.) QUESTIONS- Time = 20 minutes Total marks=6 
                 Fig.1                                                      Fig.2

Look at the two above figures. They are reflections from the reflective surfaces. Black coloured rays show the incident rays while the blue coloured rays show the reflected rays. The reflection of light can be regular and irregular or diffused. The regular reflection of light on the plane (or smooth or regular or even) reflective surface follows the laws of reflection of light. But these laws fail on the diffused (or irregular surface or rough or uneven) surface. 
Based on this, answer the following questions- 
1.1 Which type of reflection of light is seen in Fig.1? -1
Options- (a) Regular reflection (b) Irregular reflection (c) Either regular or irregular reflection (d) Both regular and irregular reflections 
Scoring Key Full credit- option a) No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Level-Low Question Format-Simple MCQ 
1.2 Which type of reflection of light is seen in Figure 2? -1 
Options- (a) Regular reflection (b) Irregular reflection (c) Either regular or irregular reflection (d) Both regular and irregular reflections 
Scoring Key Full credit- option b) No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding  
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System)
Question Format-Simple MCQ 
1.3 In which figure the laws of reflection of light fail? -1 
Scoring Key Full credit- Figure 2 No credit- Any other response
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Question Format-Very short answer 
1.4 In which figure the laws of reflection of light are followed? Why? -1
Scoring Key Full credit- Figure 1 and pertaining reason No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Question Format-Very Short answer type 
1.5 Which figure co-relates the common reflection of light from objects in nature? Why? -2 
Scoring Key Full credit- Figure 2, because the light reflects in different directions. Irregular reflection is commonly seen in daily life in nature. No credit- Any other response 
Analysis of Question Context- Frontiers of science and technology 
Situation- Global Process /Compentencities-Demonstration of knowledge and understanding 
Theme- Reflections of Light (Physical System) 
Level-Medium Question 
Format-Short Answer

Wednesday 8 July 2020

M.C.Qs Microorganisms: Friends or Foe? Class VIII Chapter 2

Q.1 What is/are true about micro-organisms?

(a) They may survive in extreme conditions like +78 degree centigrade to -90 degree centigrade.     (b) They may be round, cylindrical, oval, rectangular or variable in shape.

(c)  They are found in all the places of biosphere.     

(d) All of the above are true.

Q.2 Which of the following type of bacteria has spherical shape?

(a) Coccus bacteria

(b) Bacillus bacteria

(c) Spirillum bacteria

(d) Vibrio bacteria.


Fig. Bacteria

Q.3 Escherichia coli (E.Coli), a mostly harmless and useful bacteria is found in which part of alimentary canal?

(a) Stomach

(b) Pancreas

(c) Small intestine

(d) Large intestine

Q.4 What is false about fungi?

(a) They have unicellular as well as multicellular bodies.

(b) They grow on organic matters.

(c) They are green and contain chlorophylls.

(d) Yeast is unicellular and bread mould (Rhizopus) is multicellular.

Q.5 Which among these is not an organ for locomotion in microorganisms?

(a) Cilia

(b) Flagella

(c) Pseudopodia

(d)Cell membrane

Q.6 Which among these is not a group of algae?

(a)Red algae

(b) Blue algae

(c) Green Algae

(d) Brown algae

Q.7 Which among the following microbes are the connecting link between living and non-living microbes?

(a) Algae

(b) Fungi


(d) Viruses

Q.8 The viruses were discovered by a Russian scientist. What was his name?

(a) Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

(b) Louis Pasture

(c) Alexander Fleming

(d)Dmitri  I.  Ivanovsky

Q.9 Bread is prepared by using which fungus?

(a) Bread mould


(c) Penicillium


Q.10 Alcohol is prepared by using yeasts. Which process is involved in it?

(a) Oxidation

(b) Fermentation

(c) Reduction

(d) Respiration

Q.11 The nitrogen fixation is done by symbiotic bacteria in the root nodules of leguminous plants. This bacteria is-

(a) Penicillium

(b) Chlamydomonas

(c) Plasmodium

(d) Rhizobium

Q.12 In Jams and Jellies chemical preservatives are added to preserve them.  Which among these is/are examples of chemical preservatives?

(a) Sodium Chloride

(b) Sodium benzoate

(c) Sodium matabisulphite

(d) All of these

Q.13 Which is the method of preservation of milk?

(a) Fermentation

(b) Use of Vinegar

(c) Pasteurisation

(d) Use of preservatives

Q.14 Which is a chemical method of nitrogen fixation?

(a) Nitrogen fixation by Lightning

(b) Nitrogen fixation by Urea preparation

(c) Nitrogen fixation by blue green algae

(d) Nitrogen fixation by bacteria

Q.15 Which microorganism causes ‘rust of wheat’ disease?

(a) Protozoa


(c) Bacteria


Q.16 Anthrax is a dangerous disease in humans and cattle. Anthrax is caused by which bacteria?

(a) Rhizobium

(b) Salmonella

(c) Lactobacillus

(d) Bacillus anthracis

Q.17 Which among these is a bacterial disease?

(a) Malaria

(b) Typhoid

(c) Jaundice (Hepatitis)


Q.18 Who discovered vaccine for small pox?

(a) Louis Pasteur

(b) Alexander Fleming

(c) Edward Jenner

(d) Robert Koch

Q.19 The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is known as-

(a) Immunization

(b) Vaccination

(c) Pasteurisation

(d) Fermentation

Q.20 Antibiotics are medicines that are used against-

(a) Viral diseases

(b) Bacterial diseases

(c) Fungal Diseases

(d) Protozoal Diseases

Q.21 Which among these is a protozoan?

(a) Paramecium

(b) Spirogyra

(c) Penicillium

(d) Aspergillus






1. (d) All of the above are true.

2. (a) Coccus bacteria

3. (d) Large intestine

4. (c) They are green and contain chlorophylls.

5. (d)Cell membrane

6. (b) Blue algae

7. (d) Viruses

8. (d)Dmitri I.  Ivanovsky

9. (b)Yeasts

10. (b) Fermentation

11. (d) Rhizobium

12. (d) All of these

13. (c) Pasteurisation

14. (b) Nitrogen fixation by Urea Preparation

15. (b)Fungi

16. (d) Bacillus anthracis

17. (b) Typhoid

18. (c) Edward Jenner

19. (d) Fermentation

20. (b) Bacterial diseases

21. (a) Paramecium




Note-If you are using mobile right now then please go to web version. Then follow by using your e-mail.

Tuesday 7 July 2020


Electric current is used to generate heat by ‘ heating element’ based electric appliances like- heater, electric bulb, hair dryer, immersion rod for heating water, toaster, electric press, glue gun, hair straighter, electric tea kettles, electric girdle, clothes dryers, fridge defrostrator etc. All these appliances work on principle of heating effect of current. The amount of heat produced by an electric appliance depend upon-amount of current, resistance of conductor or poor conductor and duration of current flow.

                                               H (Heat Produced) = I2.R.t

                                                                                             Here, I- represents current

                                                                                                        R- represents resistance

                                                                                              And   t –represents time

 In honour of James Prescott Joule, the S.I unit of energy, heat and work is called Joule (J).





Tungsten metal

Electric Bulb


Nichrome wire (Alloy of 80 % Nickel and 20 % Chromium)

Electric heater


Nichrome wire

Electric press


Mica Sheet

Hair dryer, Electric press and toaster


Q.1.1 What is the S.I. Unit of heat and energy?

                      (a) Watt                         (b) Calorie                                 (c) Joule                                     (d) Kilo joule


                 Q.1.2  What are the factors responsible generation of heat by electric appliances?

                 A. Amount of Current                                                        B. Resistance of heating element   

                 C. Body of the electric appliance                                      D. Electric switch

                 Options- (a) Both A and C                                                               (b) Both A and B

                                (c) Both C and D                                                              (D) Both A and D



    Q.1.3 ‘Star Ratings’ and ‘I.S.I. mark’ on electric appliances are their credibility of being good. Why            are  they indicated on such appliances?



   Q.1.4  If the amount of current passing in the electric appliance is increased, what will be the effect on      heat production?




71 % of 

71 % of the Earth is covered with water. This water is present in oceans, rivers, lakes, ice caps, glaciers, ground water and in the atmosphere. The water on the earth can be categorized into-Fresh water (2.5%) and saline or salty water (97.5%). The saline water is found in the oceans, sea, underground saline water (0.93%) and as saline water in the lakes (0.0062%).

The fresh water is found in polar ice caps as condensed ice (68.6%), ground water (30%) and the rest 1.4 % is found in form of ice, snow, soil moisture, in lakes, rivers, biological water of plants, animals, atmospheric water and water of marshy areas. Therefore, only 0.006 % of total water is available for human use. About 67 % of fresh water is used for agriculture, household use consumes about 9 % , water supply consumes about 8 % , electricity and gas generation consumes about 7 % water , manufacturing consumes about 4 % , mining consumes about 2 % and rest 3 % is used in other activities. As per United Nations (U.N.) guidelines the amount of water a person should use for drinking, washing, bathing and washing is 50 liters per day. But it is hardly available to most of the people of the world. Looking upon the importance of fresh water year 2003 was declared as International year of fresh water by United Nations General assembly in resolution 55/196.



Answer the following questions on the basis of this passage-


Q.1.1 Which kind of activities are together causing more than 70 % depletion of fresh water?

                      A. Household consumption                                       B. Agriculture and Industries

                      C. Electricity and Mining                                          D. Water supply and Gas Generation

                     Options-    (a) Both A and C                                     (b) Both A and B

                                       (c) Both C and D                                     (d) Both A and D

Scoring Key

   Full credit- Full Credit b) Agriculture and Industries

No credit- Any other  or missing response

Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format-Complex M.C.Q.


Q.1.2 What is the amount of water a person should use per day as per U.N. guidelines?

                       (a) 40 Liters                                                                                          (b) 60 Liters

                       (c) 50 Liters                                                                                          (d) 30 Liters

 Scoring Key

                     Full credit- c) 50 Liters                                                                                         

                     No credit- Any other response or missing response

   Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format-Simple M.C.Q.


Q.1.3 What is the percentage of underground saline water?

                        (a) Less than 1 percentage                                               (b) Less than 2 percentage

                        (c) More than 2 percentage                                              (d) More than 1 percentage

 Scoring Key

Full credit- a) Less than 1 percentage                                                             

No credit- Any other or missing response

 Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format- Simple M.C.Q.



Q.1.4 The percentage of fresh water available for human consumption is equal to what?

(a) Underground saline water                                  (b) Saline water in lakes

(c) The whole fresh water on the Earth                   (d) 1.4 % present in ice caps, lakes, plants etc.

Scoring Key

Full credit- b) Saline water in lakes

No credit- Any other response or missing response

 Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


    Question Format-Simple M.C.Q.


Q.1.5 which year was observed by U.N. as International Year of Fresh water?


                        (a) 2001                                                                                              (b) 2002

                        (c) 2003                                                                                              (d) 2004

Scoring Key

                       Full credit- c) 2003

                       No credit- Any other response or missing response

Analysis of Question

                       Context- Frontiers of science and technology


                       Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

                       Theme- Physical System


                       Question Format-Simple M.C.Q.


                       Q.1.6 What are the methods by which we can conserve water?




Scoring Key

Full credit- on any two methods or idea of water conservation,Drip Irrigation , Sprinklers etc.  

Partial Credit- Either Drip or Sprinkler or similar response                                                               

No credit- Any other or missing response

 Analysis of Question

Context- Frontiers of science and technology


Process /Competencies- Explaining Phenomena scientifically

Theme- Physical System


Question Format-Open constructive type