Saturday 3 October 2020





Select the best correct option among the following.

Flowering and Non-flowering Plants

1. Amarbel is an example of



(c) Saprotroph   

(d) Host

2. The plant which traps and feeds on insects is-


(b) China rose

(c) Pitcher plant   

(d) Rose

3. Which part of the plant gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?

(a) Root hairs 

(b) Stomata

(c) Leaf veins   

(d) Sepals

4. Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their –

(a)  Roots  

(b) Stem

(c) Flowers  

(d) Leaves

5.  The site of photosynthesis is-

(a) Root

 (b) Stem

(c) Leaves 

(d) Flower

 6. Which among the following is /are an autotroph?

(a) Plants 

(b) Blue green algae (Cynobacteria)

(c) Euglena (an animal)   

(d) All of these

7. Which among the following options don’t prepare their own food?

(a) Cuscuta/Dodder/Amarbel   

(b) Fungi

(c) Both Cuscuta and Fungi  

 (d) None of these

8. The raw material required for photo synthesis is/are-

(a) Water  

(b) Carbon dioxide

(c) Sunlight  

(d) All of these

9.  Which heterotrophic mode of nutrition is displayed by ‘Fungi’?

(a) Parasitic 

(b) Saprophytic

(c) Symbiotic  

(d) Insectivorous

10. Which among the following show mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship?


(b) Mushroom

(c) Pitcher plant  

(d) Cuscuta

11. In Opuntia (A cactus plant) the photosynthesis takes place in-

(a) Root   

(b) Stem

(c) Leaves   

(d) Both stem and leave

12. Which among these is /are an insectivorous plant?

(a) Pitcher plant  

(b) Venus Flytrap

(c) Sundew (Drosera)   

(d) All of these

13. Plants get their nitrogen supply through roots from-

(a) Chemical fertilizers like Urea 

(b)Atmospheric nitrogen

(c) Nitrogenous compounds formed by Rhizobium by Nitrogen fixation in the soil

(d) All of these

 14 Chlorophylls are green pigments in plants. What is/are true about chlorophylls?

(a) Most of the leaves are green due to chlorophylls  

(b)Chlorophylls trap solar energy for photosynthesis

(c) Green Chlorophylls disappear and changes into other colours

      in conifers and hardwood trees during autumn    

(d) All of these




















1. (b)Parasite

2. (c) Pitcher plant   

3. (b) Stomata

4. (d) Leaves

5. (c) Leaves

6. (d) All of these

7. (c) Both Cuscuta and Fungi  

8. (d) All of these

9. (b) Saprophytic

10. (a)Lichens  

11. (d) Both stem and leave

12. (d) All of these

13. (d) All of these

14. (d) All of these




                                                                                    ©Vinod Kumar

                                                                                     T.G.T. Science, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti



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